The entire philosophy of the oldest divin factory in Republic of Moldova, Călărași Divin, is based on the complete production cycle. The company emphasizes product quality control, from the first to the last stage of production. The classic manufacturing method and the responsibility of the technologists working at Calarasi Divin determine the undeniable quality of the products.



Călărași Divin" owns 530 hectares of vine plantations situated in the Codru region of Moldova, encompassing the areas of Pitușca, Păulești, and Meleșeni villages in the Călărași district. The geographical positioning of the region ensures favorable climate and soil conditions for producing organic raw materials. Across the entire area, 7 grape varieties are cultivated.


Distillation Distillation of young wines is a process that determines the type and quality of a final or semi-final product. In the cellars of Călărași Divin, over 100 thousand distillates of wine are stored, with maturation ages ranging from 1 to over 50 years.


The prepared distillates undergo maturation in oak barrels with a volume of 500 liters, ensuring a good balance between the surface area of contact and the liquid volume. Călărași Divin owns over 6.000 oak barrels that are used in the maturation process.